About Curse Voice

Teammate Ult Timers


Teammate communication takes a turn for the better with this aspect of Curse Voice Beta. 5…It’s difficult to keep typing the countdown to your ult 4…. while doing 3…. so many other 2…things. Now you can see exactly when that ult necessary to engage with comes up without having to stop what you’re doing to rely on chat. 

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About Curse Voice

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Dragon and Baron Timers

Pictured above, you can see the two small graphics Curse Voice Beta adds to the left side of the minimap. Displaying green if the monster is live, and red if dead, it also starts a countdown for the buffs if your team defeats the monster.

The answer to the question on everyone’s mind: If the other team defeats it, the timer will notcountdown unless you have it warded. If your team does not have vision, the timer will read “Live” until someone on your team discovers it’s gone, which will then change to “Dead.”

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